Or as always, you can grab all my stuff from my subversion repository. https://textmate.svn.subtlegradient.com/
Also added are a couple commands to preview the currently selected Ruby on Rails view with Safari or inside TextMate.
1 (?x) 2 <(\w+)[^>]*>[^<]*</\1> # HTML tags that don't contain text 3 |(?<=(<%@\s|<%\#\s|<%=\s))[^%]*(?=\s%>) # The contents of various other forms of Embedded source 4 |(?<=<%\s)[^%]*(?=\s%>) # The contents of Embedded source 5 |(?<=<!--\s)[^->]*(?=\s-->) # HTML Comments 6 |\b[\w-]+\b(?=\s*=) # HTML Attribute name 7 |\s\b[\w-]+\b=\"[^\"]*\" # HTML Attribute name value pair 8 |(?<=\")[^\"\n<>]*(?=\") # HTML Compatible String Double 9 |(?<=\')[^\'\n]*(?=\') # 'String Single' 10 |(?<=\[)[^\[\]]*(?=\]) # [Square Brackets] 11 |(?<={)[^{}]*(?=}) # {Curly Brackets} 12 |(?<=[^/]>)[^><]*(?=</) # >Text Inside HTML Tag</ 13 |\#[0-9a-fA-F]{6} # Hex Colors #AABBCC 14 |\#[0-9a-fA-F]{3} # Hex Colors #ABC 15 |(?<![\d])-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?!=\d) # Number 123 123.123 -123 16 |[@$!]\w+\b # @variables $variables !etc 17 |(?<=/\*).*(?=\*/) # /* Contents of Comment Blocks */ 18 |/\*.*\*/ # /* Comment Blocks */ 19 |(?<=:)[^;}\n]*(?=;) # CSS Attribute Values 20 |(?<=[\(,:])[^\(\),\n]*(?=[\),;]) # Comma Delimitated 21 |<[^>]*/> # Closed xHTML Tags 22 |(?<=\")(?=(>|/>| />)) # Placer for adding HTML Attribute Values 23 |<[^>]*> # HTML Tags 24 |(?<=\")[^\"\n]*(?=\") # String Double 25 # Thomas Aylott <oblivious@subtleGradient.com> #
Thomas Aylott / subtleGradient