
Jekyll quick post shell script

Here’s a quick script I wrote to create blog posts for my jekyll blog.


jk_quickpost.rb title [categories [filetype]]

  • title
    Used as the title, description and slug
  • categories
    Comma or space separated list. It’ll try separating by commas first and then spaces if commas didn’t work.
  • filetype
    Any filetype that jekyll supports. EG: md, markdown, textile, html, etc..


jk_quickpost.rb "Hello world!" "my, blog post, of, doom" "textile"


The @ROOT path in this script is set to the present working directory. My personal version is set to the full path to my jekyll _posts directory.

I have it pushing the new blog post to an origin remote in the master branch. You might want to change that to a gh-pages branch instead.


The @ROOT path in this script is set to the present working directory. My personal version is set to the full path to my jekyll _posts directory.

I have it pushing the new blog post to an origin remote in the master branch. You might want to change that to a gh-pages branch instead.

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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# author: Thomas Aylott (
# license: MIT
# usage:
# jk_quickpost.rb title [categories [filetype]]
# title is used as the title, description and slug
# categories can be a comma or space separated list. It'll try separating by commas first and then spaces if commas didn't work.
# filetype is any filetype that jekyll supports. md, markdown, textile, html, etc..
# example:
# jk_quickpost.rb "Hello world!" "my, blog post, of, doom" "textile"
def escape_slug(string)
require 'date'
require 'yaml'
abort "Needs a title" unless ARGV.first
@ROOT = '/users/taylott/Projects/subtleGradient/'
@title = ARGV.shift
@categories = ARGV.shift.split(/,\s*/)
@categories = @categories.first.split(/\s+/) unless @categories.length > 1
@kind = ARGV.shift || 'md'
@slug = escape_slug(@title)
@filename = "#{}-#@slug.#@kind"
@path = "#@ROOT/#@filename"
@header = {
"layout" => 'post',
"title" => @title,
"description" => @title,
"keywords" => @categories.join(', '),
"categories" => @categories
unless File.exists? @path, 'w') do |file|
file.write @header.to_yaml.sub(/\n+\Z/,"\n")
file.write "---\n\n"
puts `cd #@ROOT &&\\\n mate -w #@filename &&\\\n git add #@filename &&\\\n git ci -v &&\\\n git push origin master &&\\\n git push stage master`
view raw jk_quickpost.rb hosted with ❤ by GitHub
Thomas Aylott Polaroid

Thomas Aylott / subtleGradient