Installed Browsers
Ahoy. I just got around to sticking all my browsers in the same folder. And here’s the list of browsers I currently have installed:

- Opera 9
- Opera 9.5
- Opera 9.51
- Opera Mini™ Simulator
- Opera Wii Internet Channel
- Internet Explorer 5 Mac
- Internet Explorer 5.01 Standalone
- Internet Explorer 5.5 Standalone
- Internet Explorer 6
- Internet Explorer 6 Standalone
- Internet Explorer 7 Standalone
- Internet Explorer 7 Vista
- Internet Explorer 8b1
- Internet Explorer 8b1 Standalone
- Outlook 2003
- Outlook 2007
- Camino
- Firefox 1.0 Mac
- Firefox 1.5 Mac
- Firefox 1.5 Windows XP
- Firefox 2.0 Mac
- Firefox 2.0 Windows XP
- Firefox 3.0 Mac
- Flock
- Mozilla 1.4
- Mozilla 1.5
- Mozilla 1.6
- Mozilla 1.7
- Netscape 7.2 Mac
- Netscape 9 Mac
- Google Android
- iPhone 2.0
- iPhone Simulator
- OmniWeb
- Safari 2.0.4 Standalone
- Safari 3.0.4 Standalone
- Safari 3.1
- Shiira
- WebKit Nightly
Yay browsers!
How many browser do you currently have installed?
Updated: Aug 15th